0-5K and Beyond

Welcome to everyone reading this blog about my journey to become a runner. I will be training with The American Boot Camp Company over the next year and running in tons of races. Come train with me or join me in my next race! Let's get moving!
- "Boot Camp Hunter"

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Around Peachtree Battle 5K: 01/12/08

Ran the Around Peachtree Battle 5K this morning. Finished it in 29:02! That's 2:18 faster than my last 5K in December. I am so excited! I've called all of my friends and family today to brag on my latest accomplishment. They are all very impressed. I can't believe that I beat 30:00!

Personally, I was really shocked with my result. While running the very hilly course (and I mean very hilly), I thought that there was no way I would break my previous time. Thanks to my boot camp instructors Mari and Denny for hanging with me the whole time and helping me keep up a steady pace. I don't know if I could have done it without them. There were several times that I wanted to stop and walk for a little while, but they encouraged me to keep running and kept me going the whole time.

Let me add that my boot camp instructors make me finish the race strong. By "strong", I mean sprint the last stretch of the race. We turned it on for the last two tenths of the race this morning. It was tough, but sprinting up that hill and seeing the timer at the finish line was an incredible experience. I can't tell you how excited and shocked I was. Very tired and cold (it was really cold this morning when the race started) and seeing that timer just gave me even more motivation to finish strong. One friend of mine who finished the race a few minutes before me (he's a marathon runner by the way) noticed it and commented to me on it. That was a very nice compliment coming from such an avid runner and really made me feel good about my race time.

Not being in boot camp this month and having to work out on my own really had me worried about this race. I've been trying to run on my own most days of the week, but I haven't run this week since Tuesday morning. I can only imagine what kind of improvement I can make throughout this year once boot camp starts back up. I also can't wait for boot camp to start back up in February. With my progress so far, I'm excited to get back in the swing of things and start it back up. I've lost 25 lbs. since I started boot camp in October and I want to keep dropping weight.



Matt said...


The American Boot Camp Company said...

Hunter Rocks! I can' say how proud I was to run along him. His attitude is awesome and it was so much fun! I hope that everyone that reads this blog is inspired to join us as we race all year! Next up - Chastain Chase 5K on February 23rd. Sure to be AWESOME!

Felicia said...

I am so proud of you Hunter! You are doing great! I can't wait to help push you even harder in February's boot camp. Before you know it, you'll be running faster than me :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your continued success, Hunter. I'm so happy that you're realizing your fitness goals with the American Boot Camp Company. Keep it up!