0-5K and Beyond

Welcome to everyone reading this blog about my journey to become a runner. I will be training with The American Boot Camp Company over the next year and running in tons of races. Come train with me or join me in my next race! Let's get moving!
- "Boot Camp Hunter"

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Boot Camp Workout: 1/23/08

Met the boot camp folks this morning for a workout at Centennial Park. It was interesting working out in the middle of downtown Atlanta with all of the buildings surrounding us. I know it's hard to believe, but that place is really quiet early in the morning. The workout went great considering it was cold and wet. I think the change in venue had everything to do with that. It was nice to be preoccupied with my surroundings instead of realizing how miserable I was rolling around on the wet grass.

Some of the exercises this morning felt great, others were painful. I can definitely tell an overall improvement in my body, but there is still much to be desired. I believe my abs and legs have probably gone through the biggest transition. Doing flutter kicks and ab bridges this morning felt much easier than before. I guess my running has improved my core and strengthened my abs. I used to struggle and exert all of my energy to do an ab bridge for 30 seconds. Doing one today seemed like a breeze. It felt great!

This was the first time I have worked out in over a week. Been real busy with work and haven't been able to find time to squeeze in any exercise time. Plus the snow over the weekend and frigid temperatures haven't exactly motivated me to get out there. This morning's workout was tough due to my inactivity, but I felt great afterwards. I can't wait for the next session of boot camp to begin on February 4th. I'm ready to get back in the swing of things.

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