0-5K and Beyond

Welcome to everyone reading this blog about my journey to become a runner. I will be training with The American Boot Camp Company over the next year and running in tons of races. Come train with me or join me in my next race! Let's get moving!
- "Boot Camp Hunter"

Monday, April 7, 2008

Change of Focus to Weight Loss in Boot Camp: 4/7/08

Started the second week of the April boot camp session at West Midtown today. It felt good to be out there. It's nice with the weather starting to warm up. We had a good workout with tension bands this morning. Luckily, I'm not quite as sore as I thought I would be. The workout was tough and I was able to complete it again with the blue tension band. This time, I wasn't the only one to use the blue bands. A couple of the other guys in the group stepped up and completed the workout with the stronger bands. Maybe one day, I'll be able to do it with the black tension band...which are the toughest. We'll see...

I'm really excited about these next few months of boot camp. My busy time of the year has now passed, and I'm going to focus on weight loss. I still have a long way to go to reach my goal and it's going to be a tough journey, but I think I can do it. I'm really going to watch my diet and strictly adhere to the meal plan. I've done a decent job so far, but I'm really going to start counting the calories. I've also even floated the idea of trying to get even more exercise than just going to boot camp in the morning. I was thinking about trying to run every evening and even giving my body more opportunities to drop weight. I haven't discussed this idea with anyone, but I plan to because I don't want to push myself too hard. This is a long journey that I have embarked on and I can't afford to injure myself in any way.

I signed up earlier today for the Pi Mile at Georgia Tech this coming Saturday. It's only a 5K, but I'm in the mood to run a race. I can't believe I just said that! It's weird how I have started to think regarding working out and running races. I hope I can recruit some of the other boot campers to join me. My best official 5K time is 29:02 and I'm hoping to beat it this Saturday. When I passed the 5K finish line during my last 1oK, the clock had just turned 27:00. That being "unofficial" since I was running the 10K, but it gave me a nice benchmark to work with.

I'm also signed up to do the Sprint for Cancer 10K on April 20th. I hope I can break my previous 10K time of 57:25. This race is at Atlantic Station and will probably be close to the same route of my previous 5K. If so, I will really be able to tell what kind of improvements I have made over the past month. I really feel good about my speed, but it's going to be another tough test. With two more weeks of boot camp to go through before then, I feel confident that I will be ready. The American Boot Camp Company is sponsoring this race and I expect that we will have a large number of boot campers in attendance. You should come out and join us...

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